Looking for Trolley Rentals in the Charlotte or Winston-Salem Area?
Let us help you make your wedding day one of the most memorable and exciting days of your life!
Our trolleys bring a distinctive festivity to every occasion, whether it’s a wedding, anniversary, or other celebration. We provide you with drivers who know best how to assist you and your guests on this special day. We know that every wedding is as unique as the bride and groom. At Sunway, we work with you to customize your experience and make your day a truly exceptional celebration! Some options include, but are not limited to:
• Decorations
• Bachelor/Bachelorette Party Transportation
• Bridal Luncheon Transportation
• Rehearsal Dinner Transportation
• Ride to the Church in Style
• Transportation to the Reception
• Fabulous Photographs
If you want to add decorations to your trolley, we work with you to find a time that fits your schedule, whether it’s the day before, the morning of the ceremony, or even during the event!
Bachelor/Bachelorette Party Transportation
Keep everyone safe as you celebrate your last days as a single person. You can arrange for the trolleys to pick up your guests, deliver them to your event, and then return them safely home.
Bridal Luncheon Transportation
You deserve to be pampered! Have the trolley worry about time schedules, traffic, and parking while you focus on having fun and making the most of this special occasion.
Rehearsal Dinner Transportation
Reserve our trolley to transport your wedding party and closest guests for the rehearsal dinner so you can relax and prepare for the day ahead. We’ll worry about the traffic and parking so you can focus on making fabulous memories!
Ride to the Church in Style
Arrange for our trolley to pick up the wedding party at multiple locations before the wedding and deliver them to the church. The trolley can also pick up out-of-town guests who need a dependable, courteous shuttle between hotels, church, and reception hall. We also serve as a “designated driver” for those attending the reception.
Transportation to the Reception
Not sure of how to get your wedding party or guests to the reception in an orderly fashion? Our trolleys can be waiting for you at your church at the conclusion of the ceremony. We can even transport your wedding party to different locations for wedding photographs and then proceed to the reception site.
Fabulous Photographs
We will work with you to determine the time that fits your schedule to capture your photographs of the wedding party in our trolley. Perhaps you want some photographs taken at night during the rehearsal dinner or maybe the morning of the ceremony works best? We can accommodate your schedule to make your special day perfect!